Successful start of the application phase
You have the idea – we have the award!
Thank you for the numerous applications for the Mülheim Water Award 2018 on the topic
Innovations for water systems and water analysis
for sustainable water management and safe and secure drinking water supply
We wish all applicants the best of luck.
Since the application phase only ends in about five weeks time, at the 28. February 2018 , You still have the chance to apply too, in order to win the award that comes with a prize money of 10.000€. So if you have an innovative and practice-oriented concept, product, or new finding with a strong focus on practical use and application within water management, apply for the Mülheim Water Award now!
You will find information about the call and the online application form under Apply.
The five person Jury, consisting of internationally renowned representatives and experts from academia and practice who work in the field of drinking water supply and water analysis, is going to make a first decision. Based on this preselection, applicants are requested to send in further documents for the second phase of the Mülheim Water Award.
The sponsors of the Award, RWW Rheinisch-Westfälische Wasserwerksgesellschaft mbH and GERSTEL GmbH & Co. KG are looking forward to receive your contribution.
So apply today.
Good luck!