Mülheim Water Award 2022 presented

Two winners of the Mülheim Water Award 2022

MWA 2022 award ceremony september (©IWW, September 2022)

The Mülheim Water Award was presented for the eighth time. Mülheims Oberbürgermeister Mülheim’s Lord Mayor Marc Buchholz, patron of the Mülheim Water Award, presented the award for the eighth time on 14 September 2022 at the Mülheim Water Analysis Seminar.

This year, the international jury of the Mülheim Water Award decided to award prizes to two projects, which each received 5,000 euros prize money.

The first winning project titled

The Water Wall: Closed Water Cycles for wastewater from handwashing or toilet flushing

was carried out by Eva Reynaert und Prof. Eberhard Morgenroth from the Swiss Water Research Institute, Eawag in Dübendorf. Their device recycles wastewater from hand washing and toilet flushing with the aim of complete reuse. This enables access to clean water for handwashing and toilet flushing in places without centralised infrastructure. The project addresses several Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) aspects such as the provision of sanitation and hygiene facilities, the reduction of water resource pollution and the increase of water use efficiency through water reuse.

The second winning project, submitted by Dionysios Nikolopoulos and his team from the Urban Water Management and Hydroinformatics Group in Athens, Greece, is called

RISKNOUGHT: Cyber-Physical Stress-Testing Platform for Water Distribution Networks

This digital platform performs stress testing of water distribution systems with a focus on protection against cyber and physical threats. The platform combines for the first time the use of hydraulic modelling, risk management, decision support systems and real-time data. By using RISKNOUGHT, risks can thus be identified and measures derived to reduce them. In this way, the platform assists in increasing the resilience of the entire system and preventing an economic loss due to cyberattacks.

Congratulations to the winners!