The Mülheim Water Award 2024
goes to Flanders

The presentation of the Mülheim Water Award 2024 took place on September 10, 2024 during the 6th Mülheim Water Analysis Seminar (MWAS 2024) in the Town Hall of Mülheim an der Ruhr. Mülheim’s Lord Mayor Marc Buchholz as patron and Professor Dr Torsten C. Schmidt as representative of the jury were the laudators.

The award was given to the project

Internet of Water Flanders: from water quality sensing to action

The project involves a network of around 300 water quality sensors at more than 220 locations throughout Flanders. The data is collected on an IoT (Internet of Things) data platform. Both, real-time and historical data are publicly accessible via the website The platform offers a combination of physical measurements, such as temperature or pH value, and water quality data.

The sensors were selected according to various criteria. The decision in favour of the self-developed chip-based sensor was based on the comparatively low maintenance intensity and the low energy consumption during operation.

One positive aspect is that data from various interest groups such as water suppliers, wastewater disposal companies, authorities, ministries, and research institutions is brought together. Another feature of the project is the development of various warning apps, which have already proven themselves in practical use. By deriving specific measures, the technological and economic benefits are demonstrated.
Implementation of the project makes it clear that digitalisation is not driven forward for its own sake, but to create concrete, and measurable added value.
Even if the application in Flanders focuses on the issue of salinisation, transferability to other regions is guaranteed, as a wide range of possible applications can be generated, for example for combined sewer overflows.

MWA 2024 award ceremony in the townhall of Mülheim an der Ruhr, September 2024

Award ceremony 2024 in the townhall of Mülheim an der Ruhr.
f.l.t.r.: Marcel Zevenbergen (Imec), Simone Ehlen (RWW), Holger Gerstel (GERSTEL), Youri Amerlinck (Aquafin),
Marleen Spiliers (De Watergroep), Nele Desmet (Vito), Piet Seuntjens (Vito), Marc Buchholz (Stadt Mülheim)

The project was submitted by Marleen Spiliers from the Flemish water supply company De Watergroep as the leading applicant in a group of Belgian-Dutch applicants, including Nele Desmet, Piet Seuntjens (VITO), Youri Amerlinck (Aquafin), Marcel Zevenbergen (Imec) and Pieter De Graef (VMM).

Here are a few impressions of the award ceremony: